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Mitt Alfabet
DVD Obsession

"Write the story you want to read.
Live the life you want to live.
Do what gives you joy.
The rest will attend to itself."
    -J. Michael Straczynski Books:
Michael Jan Friedman: "Aliens: Original Sin".
Q - The winged serpent
In Flames
Terry Goodkind "Chainfire", Bruce Campbell "Make Love! the Bruce Campbell Way"
The Weather

Josh Homme

Current desktop:

Name: LJ
Age: Not telling
Location: Sweden
Zodiac: Aries
Sex: Female
Height: 5'11"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue-grey-green
Drinks: Water, Tea
Eats: Chocolate, Thai
Loves: Spending time with friends, skiing, watching movies, reading, Babylon 5.
Hates: Rejection, heartbreak, not being loved, people without a sense of humour, Men that can't make up their minds.

Saturday November 19th 2005
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...erotic
Your hugs are...friendly
Your eyes...light up a day
Your touch is...the only thing I desire
Your smell is...amazing
Your smile is...entrancing
Your love of a kind
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Saturday July 2nd 2005
You are... Sally! An intelligent girl, but she has this deadly crush on Jack Skellington.

Which character in Nightmare before Christmas are you? (With pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday October 28th 2004
You are Bettie Page!
You're Bettie Page!

What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday August 17th 2004
I'm dreaming about a tall, young man with beautiful eyes, hair you'd love to run your fingers through and lips you're dying to kiss... *sigh*
I need to stop daydreaming and get back to reality. Damn...

Wednesday August 11th 2004
I'm single... Boyfriend got home last night, drunk of course. We broke up. Again. I'm really tired living like this and this time I have to move on. I can't live with an alcoholic. He won't admit to being an alcholic ofcourse but he is. I still care about him but I don't love him anymore. I can't love a man that treats me like this. I need to be alone for a while, become more independent. I'll start looking for an apartment of my own. A cheap one preferably. Going back to school in a couple of weeks and I'll be living on bread and water for the next 2 years. Lots of changes at the same time but I'll manage. I'm a strong person and I'll just consider this as the start of my new, more exciting life. I'm actually looking forward to it. Wish me luck.

Friday July 16th 2004
Added a tracklisting for the Gothenburg show at Trädgårn on July 8th 2004. I think it's correct but feel free to contact me if it isn't. ;)

Friday July 16th 2004
I've always found writing really difficult which is why this site is updated so irregularly. I want to be able to write, especially poetry and fantasy. I've even considered writing erotic fiction for my Sexual Fantasies fanlisting but that's another story. :)
Anyway, I've decided I'm gonna give writing a go even if it probably sucks. But that's ok, I'm doing this for me, and if everybody else hates it they can just not read it. Easy. :)

I'm also going to add links to charities under Worthy causes. If people want to donate money it's up to them but I just want to help and make people aware of things that go on in the world.

Saturday July 10th 2004
I saw Queensryche live this past thursday. Again. This is the second time I've seen them live. I just can't believe it. I've been a fan for half my life and had never seen them live once and now, this past year, I've seen them twice. It's just too good to be true. I'm still awestruck. When I saw them at Sweden Rock Festival last year it was close to 8000 people there and I was about 10 meters from stage. This time it was indoors, maybe 300 people. It was hot, sweaty and I was 3 meters from stage. It was... glorious. I still get goosebumps just thinking about it... It was 15 years since they last visited my hometown, I missed them then and I almost missed them now. I just found out about the gig a couple of days earlier. Had I missed them this time I probably would have killed myself. Well, maybe not. :)

June 1st 2004
Am I some kind of Man-repellant?? I met this guy last year and I really, really like him. We talked alot, both when we met and on the net (rhyme is unintended I assure you). This lasted for about 5 months. No romance mind you but I thought we were friends by now. We had a lot in common and we had fun together. Or so I thought... These past few months he's been basically ignoring me. We have less and less contact. He says he'll call, e-mail me yada-yada-yada. Unfortunately what he says and what he actually does are very often two completely different things. I e-mailed him a couple of months ago with a question. It would have taken him 2 minutes or less to answer and mail me back but of course he never did. And I know he has contact with other people over the net. He has more contact with people he's never met. That's when I realised how little I actually mean to this man. I guess I should feel angry but I don't. What I do feel is rejected, disappointed and very, very hurt. I thought he liked me. Guess I was wrong...

And I see it's no longer June 1st, it's June 2nd. The day my Mother died 4 years ago. Will someone just please shoot me??

May 23rd 2004
soft aura

What's your aura like? (Great pics, many results!)
brought to you by Quizilla

April 22nd 2004
I think I might have gone a bit overboard on this whole Fanlisting thing... I already have 20 fanlistings and I've just applied for 5 more. Yikes... Just the pressure of trying to come with a new and reasonably good-looking design every time is ridiculous. But I brought it on myself so I shouldn't complain too much. ;) We'll just have to wait and see if they're interesting enough to get any members. I'm not much for big names and mainstream TV and there's always the risk that no one has ever heard of these people/tv-shows and whatnot.

March 2nd 2004
Peter Jackson rules. Congratulations! No one deserves the recognition more than him and his team.

February 8th 2004
Your first name of Linda has made you a hard worker with a meticulous sense of detail. You have a great deal of patience and independence, and you can be relied upon to complete your undertakings. You could be inventive along scientific or practical lines. You are stable, trustworthy, homeloving, and logical in practical matters, but rather unresponsive to suggestions from others. You resist change.

February 7th 2004
I hate men. Why? Well, why the hell not? Most of them are idiots. Wish I could elaborate but I don't know who might be reading this...

One who did visit the site recently was my Dad. Could have been very embarrassing if he'd visited the adult section... I'm really too old to be embarrassed but I've just met my Dad again after 8-9 years and I don't want the first thing for him to see to be anything adult oriented.


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