
This site is run by fans for the fans. It is 100% unofficial and has no contact whatsoever with Craig Ferguson.

The purpose of this site is to keep interested parties abreast of all aspects of Craig's work. Every attempt is made to gather the most current and accurate information available.

Not at any time will you find rumours and/or speculations about Craig Ferguson's personal life at this website.

All photographs, articles, etc., are used without permission (unless otherwise stated). Full credit and/or links to web sites are given to copyright owners where known. The information is utilized in a positive and promotional way for the respective copyright owners and Craig Ferguson.

You can use the pictures on this site and put them on your own as long as you give credit, with a link, to either me or the original source.

As for the Screen Captures, e-mail and ask me first if you want to put them on your own site.

You may not put the WinAmp skins, the Hotbar skins, Desktop Icons or the Wallpapers I've (Linda) made on your own site.

All the graphics are off limits.

I would appreciate it if you didn't take any coding from this site. Some of these codes are bought and paid for. If you want great scripts for free I highly recommend The JavaScript Source.

This site is strictly for entertainment purposes.